
Isplati li se ulagati u teambuilding?

I remember when I started working as an HR manager that there was a lot of skepticism about whether it was worth investing in team building or not. Some at the time considered it a waste of money and some kind of American innovation. Before that, union trips were popular and I don’t think people could indulge in anything else when they liked union trips so much. I’ve never been on a union trip so I won’t go any further about it, I hope they continue to take place.

Team building, in my opinion, has a goal, it is focused on building relationships between people as well as on building relationships between the company and employees. It also aims to reward employees for their merits. It aims to celebrate togetherness, to celebrate success, to celebrate caring. The goal can also be developmental, when employees are in one place various ideas can arise.

It is so important at some point to stop and reward yourself, to stop and rest, to stop and look back and forward.

In the previous job, the two colleagues had been in conflict for a long time. I think in the meantime they forgot where it started from, but they couldn’t stand it, nor were they drawn. We organized team building and as part of our program we had to solve business and logical tasks in smaller teams. Without joint cooperation it was not possible to solve the task in a given time, everyone depended on everyone. At one point, I saw my “quarreling” colleagues helping each other. In the heat of creating a solution, they held hands without being aware of it. When they realized this, they burst out laughing. How to stay in conflict after such a scene?

LQ was at team building last month which we renamed team bonding. We have exchanged so much positive energy and joy together, shared so many thoughts and emotions, that we are proud of ourselves.

Don’t be suspicious, it’s perfectly legitimate to enjoy work. It’s not an expense, it’s an investment.


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